Canine-assisted therapy is a therapeutic technique. It is goal-orientated, and incorporates Spudrick our Therapy Dog, who can improve communication, foster trust, decrease stress and anxiety, and motivate clients. Clients benefit from the proximity, observation, touching and tending of a therapy dog.

Canine Assisted Therapy  (CAT) Australia offers the following services:

Canine Assisted Therapy

Careers Counselling and Private Practice Careers Advice

Canine Assisted Therapy


Promotion of social awareness

Canine Assisted Therapy


Information sessions at school assemblies, Careers Expos. Support when needed e.g. VCE examination periods.

Canine Assisted Therapy


Support when needed e.g. examination periods, special lectures

Canine Assisted Therapy


Visits to patients

Canine Assisted Therapy

Aged Care

Visits to residents, including dementia patients

Canine Assisted Therapy


Keynote speeches, workshops and seminars

Canine Assisted Therapy


Special guest appearances and demonstrations

Canine Assisted Therapy